Welcome! What are your religious beliefs?
Friday, April 29, 2011
Comments from CNN's story on the destruction caused by tornadoes in the South
Ok that was kinda funny... Lot's of people died and have lost their homes, but this guy made a good point.
Wow... Big statement to make there. A little funny, a lot offensive. I cant tell if this person is anti-religion and being sarcastic or really super religious.
Well that answers my question. Religion does equal superstitious nonsense for ignorant simpletons, 1 point for you. However, let's not make us atheists look bad by saying "braying" instead of "praying" unless of course you actually meant "braying" as if people are yelling at god. In that case, nice diction.
Them be fightin' words! How about you do something useful like putting down that god damn book and let some people in Alabama who don't have any heat burn it so they can keep warm at night. Douche.
I'm going to go ahead and agree with the two people who commented on this. What the fuck?? Why do Jesus lovers have to be so crazy? They can't just be like "oh shit man, that sucks, we should help them out" but no, instead they say "oh ya! God hates you! Told you so! Na na na boo boo, stick your head in doo doo."
Well put. There's no god, it was weather. Rebuild the houses, rebuild the schools, the churches can wait.
bible thumper,
jesus lover,
Monday, April 25, 2011
Crazy Christian Facebook Status #9
Happy Easter!
Great idea Dad!!! I might actually watch that movie. Jesus, dead, walking around spreading his zombie lifestyle by touching the hearts of millions (biting them). Then everyone else will be a zombie and walk around following Zombie Jesus, even though he's no different than they are, just another blood thirsty zombie. Easter is my new favorite holiday!
Note: 4 people liked this status... disappointing
Crazy Christian Facebook Status #8
Check out this funny little status that our friend posted

This is a quote from one of Katy Perry's songs. So he thinks that aliens are angels and/or demons...whatever. I'm not saying aliens are real or not, but I'm pretty sure he's still crazy.
Let's look at the main craziness of this post. "A false ufo invasion is going down next year." What the fuck?? I don't understand why this guy thinks that using google and his lack of common sense makes him a credible source to announce false ufo invasions.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Crazy Christian Facebook Status #7
Oh ok, so you believe that "aliens" are not of this dimension and people who died and instead of went to "heaven" they have returned and bred with human women? Oh yeah ok that makes sense...
Fuck you
Crazy Christian Facebook Status #6 (Contact was made)
I finally had enough of this kid and his crazy statuses on Facebook. So this was me calling him out on his dumb fucking conspiracy theories.
1 point for me
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Funny Craigslist Posts
Sign me up!
A church used this as a crib for human children?
Rebecca Black - Friday (OFFICIAL PARODY VIDEO) - Sunday - Sadie B
Fuck off... I hope this is a joke, but I have a feeling that they're serious
Monday, April 11, 2011
FML: Religious Issue #3
Today, my grandma got up at 6:30am, clattered about the bathroom then sang religious songs at the top of her voice for half an hour. Apparently this is her normal routine, weekends included. She is staying with us for a month. FML.
Today, I finally decided to tell my parents I was a lesbian. They spent the next few hours reading me the bible. FML
Today, while in a public restroom I could hear a guy having his way with his hand. He was quoting verses from the bible. I was in a cubicle and he was at the urinal. I was too frightened to leave. This went on for a very long time. FML
Today, I desperately tried to explain to my boyfriend why he shouldn't talk about the bible during sex. He honestly doesn't understand. FML
Today, I finally decided to tell my parents I was a lesbian. They spent the next few hours reading me the bible. FML
Today, while in a public restroom I could hear a guy having his way with his hand. He was quoting verses from the bible. I was in a cubicle and he was at the urinal. I was too frightened to leave. This went on for a very long time. FML
Today, I desperately tried to explain to my boyfriend why he shouldn't talk about the bible during sex. He honestly doesn't understand. FML
Crazy Christian Facebook Status #5
Jesus Love
Couple weeks ago The Simpsons episode was about witchcraft, now today its about magic. Hmm...fishy. Matt Groening is a 33rd degree mason btw...hmmm...hmmmOh really?? Well last week I saw a little kid playing with a stick and calling it a wand, he was pretending to cast spells and having a great time. He's also a 175th degree mason and half demon... fuck off
Texts From Last Night: Religious Issue #3
(570): he quoted the bible to break up with me
(702): So there is a chick dressed up in a vagina costume handing out free condoms next to the dude handing out free Bibles and preaching about sin. I love college.
(203): I'm drunk in class and I'm pretty sure the bible freak behind me is saying a prayer for me
(904): i forgot to tell you that olivia sent me a text yesterday that the mormon girl got caught with weed in her vagina at school
(760): Over it. He probably jacked off to bible verses last night. I don't want that
(803): A 300 lb dude in a sundress yelling bible verses while wearing a raggedy anne wig is just as funny as i thought it would be. Thank you san francisco.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
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