So here are real facts, no laughs...
1. Holy Books - Just because something is written down does not make it true.
2. “Revelations” - A revelation is a personal experience and even if the revelations really did come from a god, there is no way we could prove it.
3. Personal Testimony / Feelings - Though you may be sincere, and even if a god really does exist, a feeling is not proof, either for you or for someone else.
4. Thinking - Scientists studying religion and the brain, a new field called neurotheology, have identified the temporal lobe as a place in the brain that can generate religious experiences.
5. “Open Heart” - “Opening your heart and accepting Jesus” is just a feeling and, once again, not evidential proof.
6. Unverifiable “Miracles” / Resurrection Stories - Many religions have miracle stories. And so do many sports, movies, TV shows, books and magicians.
7. Fear of Death / “Heaven” - Atheists don’t like the fact that we’re all going to die any more than religious people do. However, this fear does not prove there is an afterlife – only that we wish there was an afterlife. But wishing doesn’t make it so.
8. Then Where Do You Go When You Die? - Buried in the earth? Wherever you were before you were conceived? Nowhere? All more believable and realistic.
9. Fear of Hell - An attempt to get people to believe through fear what they cannot believe through reason and evidence. Then there is the problem of which religion’s hell is the true hell. Without evidence, we can never know.
10. The Bible Says... - The Bible also says some guy's donkey talked.
11. “Pascal’s Wager” / Faith - In short, Pascal’s Wager states that we have everything to gain (an eternity in heaven) and nothing to lose by believing in a god. On the other hand, disbelief can lead to a loss of heaven. So you are willing to abandon all logic in the decision making process?
12. My Parents Said... - And what about the tooth fairy, Santa, and your dad's secretary?
13. Blaming the Victim - Many religions punish people for disbelief. Are atheists to be blamed for not believing when “God” provides insufficient evidence?
14. The End of the World - Like hell, this is a scare tactic to get people to believe through fear what they can’t believe through reason and evidence.
15. Meaning in Life - This is the idea that without a belief in god life would be meaningless. Even if this were true, it would only prove we wanted a god to exist to give meaning to our lives, not that a god actually does exist.
16. Jesus' Followers are Good - Chemotherapy can cure cancer, so everyone should have chemotherapy.
17. Jesus Worked Miracles - There are eye witnesses that Bigfoot exists, David Blaine flies, and aliens abduct people.
18. “God is Intangible, Like Love” - Love is not intangible. Unlike “God,” love is a physical thing. We know the chemicals responsible for the feeling of love.
19. You Can't See Air But You Believe in It - I also can't see gravity, tomorrow, microwaves, or the sun at night.
20. Morality/Ethics - This is the idea that without a god we’d have no basis for morality. However, a secular moral code existed before the Bible: the Code of Hammurabi.
21. Altruism - Our choices are based on what gives us (our genes) the best advantage for survival, including raising our reputation in society.
22. Free Will - Some believe that the only free will we have is to exercise a conscious veto over actions suggested by our thoughts.
23. Difficulties of Religion - It has sometimes been argued that because certain religious practices are difficult to follow, nobody would do them if a god didn’t exist. However, it is the belief in the existence of a god that is motivating people. A god doesn’t really have to exist for this to happen.
24. False Dichotomies - “Either Jesus was insane or he was god. Since Jesus said some wise things, he wasn’t insane. Therefore, he must be god, like he said he was.” But those are not the only two possibilities.
25. Hitler was an Atheist - He was also a heterosexual, so can I assume you're against that, too?
26. God-of-the-Gaps (Medicine, Life, Universe, etc.) - The god-of-the-gaps argument says that if we don’t currently know the scientific answer to something, then “God did it.”
Ok so it's still pretty funny...
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