Over the past couple of months my girlfriend and I have had a pair of young Mormon gentlemen knock on our door rather frequently. While most of us are jumping out of sight and tip-toeing away not to be detected by the visitors with the white shirts, black ties and big smiles, my girlfriend is the opposite. She opens the doors, steps outside and hears them out. The first time it was accidental, but now it's a biweekly event which turns into great stories. The most recent visit has been the most rewarding. I am happy to say that we are now the proud owners of "The Book of Mormon"! I know, you're jealous, just think of how useful this great piece of literature will be. So far, it's been a great conversation piece which allows me to explain to all of my friends how some Mormon guys are in love with my girlfriend. Also, due to the fact that it is a pretty substantially sized with lots of pages, it will be great to use as a paperweight, emergency fire starter or even as a weapon that I could throw at intruders (my aim is impeccable). I digress. The most valuable aspect of these visits so far has come from a small comment that was made about how we are not happy with our current lawn services (Jose's Gardening Services). Our Mormon Missionary friends informed my girlfriend that they are supposed to be helping the community so if we need them to come rake leaves or mow the lawn they will be more than happy to do so. Now we're talkin'. You're telling me that instead of overpaying Jose (his name is really Jose, I'm not being racist) I can have these happy-go-lucky, Joseph Smith loving, LDS fanatics do my yard for free? This is going to be fantastic!
Not our actual Mormons (but I'll try to get a picture with them) |
I'm waiting for the day that I build up the courage to ask them about their special Mormon underwear.
Mormon underwear |
I will be posting about our encounters with our Mormon Missionaries whenever they come to visit.